- 如果你感冒了, 喉咙痛, 发热, 或任何其他疾病在你的手术日期之前, 立即通知你的外科医生.
- You will receive a phone call the day before your procedure from your surgeon’s office or the hospital informing you what time you should arrive for your procedure.
- 当天的手术患者需要安排一个负责任的成年人, 18岁或以上, to drive you home and stay with you a minimum of 24 hours once you arrive home. If this has not been arranged it may result in possible cancellation of your surgery.
- 如果你有年幼的孩子, please make arrangements for their care while you are at the Medical Center
- 带上你的眼镜, 助听器, 假牙, 或者其他辅助设备,如果你需要的话. Once you go into surgery these devices will be given to your family or safely stored with your belongings.
- 请穿着舒适
- 血液稀释剂:香豆素等药物, 肝素钠, 阿斯匹林, Plavix, Xarelto, 液体或任何其他血液稀释药物都应该 停止 as instructed by your cardiologist or the provider who prescribes the medication.
- 非甾体抗炎药 -任何非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs),如布洛芬, 布洛芬, 艾德维尔, 阿斯匹林, 甲氧萘丙酸, Aleve should be 停止 prior to you procedure as instructed by your surgeon or the physician completing your procedure. Please contact your physician regarding a stop date for these medications.
- 糖尿病患者如果你服用胰岛素或口服降糖药, contact your doctor for instructions on how to manage your diabetes for the night before and the morning of surgery.
- 利尿剂手术当天早上不要服用利尿剂.
- 吸入器: Use your inhaler the morning of surgery and please bring it with you on the day of surgery.
- 维生素和补品: due to interactions with anesthesia, the anesthesiologist requests you 停止 手术前7天服用所有草药,补品和维生素.
- 减肥药: You must stop all weight loss medication at least 2 weeks prior to surgery, Ex: 芬特明.
- 所有其他药物:在手术的早晨, 你可以服用所有的药物, 除了上面列出的, 用少量的水. If you have questions regarding specific medications contact your surgical team or the 入院前测试 Department for specific guidance.
- The day before your surgery you should eat a normal meal for dinner and drink plenty of fluids, 6-8杯水或果汁, unless you are on a fluid restriction or your surgeon has specified otherwise.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages or smoke for 24 hours prior to your procedure.
- In an attempt to prevent infection, shower the night before and the morning of surgery. If your surgeon has not provided specific bathing instructions please follow the instructions included in this document.
Stop eating everything 8 hours prior to your arrival to the hospital, except clear liquids. 不吃任何食物,包括硬糖、薄荷糖或口香糖.
- 如果你有终末期肾病(ESRD), 失弛缓症(吞咽困难), 胃轻瘫(胃排空缓慢), 胃酸反流, 或胃旁路手术史, 然后所有的口服必须在午夜停止.
- 请注意:遵循上述说明是非常重要的. IF you do not follow the above instructions, your surgery may be delayed or cancelled.
- 如果您有任何疑问,请拨打CHMC预入学测试电话410.535.8343
- Perform thorough oral hygiene by brushing teeth with a new tooth brush (if possible).
- 摘掉所有首饰, 组成, 手指/脚趾波兰, and body piercings prior to arrival at the Medical Center and leave all valuables at home.
- Do not bring any valuables with you to the Medical Center including credit cards, 超过5美元的钱.或大袋子或钱包.
- Bring your Medicare, all applicable insurance cards, and a photo ID with you.
- 不戴隐形眼镜. If you wear eyeglasses remember to bring a case to store them in while you are in surgery.
- 穿宽松的衣服和低跟、闭头的鞋子.
- 带上阅读材料或设备来打发时间. 医疗中心有无线网络连接.
- Be sure to give any personal items to family or friends to hold while you are in surgery.
- 儿科 patients may bring a favorite stuffed animal or blanket to help ease their anxiety. A special bottle or sippy cup may also be appropriate for after surgery. 请带一套换洗的内衣
- 病人 staying overnight may bring a bag of items needed for the Medical Center stay such as toiletry items, 拖鞋, 长袍, 还有你出院时的换洗衣服. Please leave your bag in the car and have your visitors bring it to you when your post-op room is assigned.
安排一个人在家照顾你. 如果需要,案例管理器可以帮助您找到资源.
- 手术后, make sure everyone on your health care team cleans their hands with soap and water or hand rub before taking care of you.
- Ask family and friends who visit you not to touch the surgical wound or bandages. Instruct them to clean their hands thoroughly before and after visiting you.
- Ask your doctor to explain why you are continuing to receive antibiotics if you are still receiving them for more than 24 hours after your surgery.
- Learn about taking care of your wound and know who to contact if you have questions or problems before leaving the Medical Center.
- 在家护理伤口前后都要洗手.
- Call your doctor immediately if you have any signs of infection such as redness or increased pain at the surgical site, 排水, 身体疼痛或发烧.
- Remember- If you do not see your visitors or members of your health care team clean their hands, 请要求他们这样做!
- Pain is a common experience after surgery and it our goal at 卡尔弗健康医疗中心 to make you as comfortable as possible to aid in your recovery. Pain management is important because it allows you to be comfortable during your healing process, 得到休息, and with less pain you are able to move more easily and return to your normal level of activity faster. 手术后, clinical staff will ask you to use a numeric pain intensity scale to rate your pain by asking “If 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst possible pain, please give me a number that indicates the amount of pain you are having now.” Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with this scale so we are able to communicate effectively and manage your pain post procedure. 因为每个人对痛苦的容忍度都不一样, 护士也会问你的疼痛目标是什么.
电话: 410.535.4000
电话: 1.888.906.8773
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